The Personal Trainer Hustle

On The Personal Trainer Hustle your host Sam Lopez talks about what it is really like to be a personal trainer and what it takes to succeed in this field. He shares lessons, tips, strategies and conversations with other professionals in personal training to bring you one step closer to your own success. Sam has been a personal trainer for over a decade and now owns his own personal training studio in California. His years of experience and his laid back attitude make The Personal Trainer Hustle a great resource in the business of fitness! For more information make sure to visit

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Thursday May 23, 2024

Do you ever feel like you don't have anything in common with your client? Or do you find yourself trying to fill in the awkward silence between sets? Have you even considered that maybe what you are talking about is causing them to lose interest? In today's episode I share with you 3 tips to make those conversations more meaningful and create a better bond with your clients.
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Tuesday May 21, 2024

Today's question is about starting our personal training career and pursuing our passion in fitness. Maybe you are just starting our or have been dabbling in becoming a full time coach. This episode should give you plenty to think about in your pursuit.
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Thursday May 16, 2024

These are the biggest mistakes I made when I got my first personal training job at Bally Total Fitness and how I was able to learn from them and turn my career around!
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Tuesday May 14, 2024

Today we are talking about your personal training business and the five part of your business you must constantly monitor, grow and adjust. Knowing these five levers of your business will allow you to clearly see where adjustments need to be made when your business starts, grows or gets stuck.
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Tuesday May 07, 2024

Today's I share with you some thoughts and lessons from sales I made earlier in the day. In today's episode I am just thinking out loud and sharing some tips and ideas you may be implement in your personal training sales too!
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Wednesday May 01, 2024

Today's question, sent in by listener Shaw Roberts, is about what steps to take in order to succeed as a personal trainer having just graduated with a bachelors in exercises science. Eventually building up to a place where you would start your own business. In this episode I share with you my top seven mistakes new personal trainers make and how to avoid them.
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Monday Apr 29, 2024

On today's Q & A episode listener Sydney Carlile wanted to know what advice I would give when looking to start an online nutrition and/or weight loss business. In this episode I share my thoughts and give you all five main points to think about and consider when going into online nutrition coaching.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

What are people looking for when they decide to try our a trial personal training session with you? Are they just looking for a good hard workout? Or is there more to it? Today I share with you a deeper look into what a potential costumer really needs and is looking for from their personal trainer. Having a better understanding of what someone may really be looking for allows you to give them a better experience and increases the odds that they will make a commitment to your personal training plan.
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Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Today's question was sent in by listener Will M. His question is about starting a sports performance facility from home, with his wife, as former D1 athletes and new personal trainers. In this episode I share 7 points to consider in starting this business model.
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Today's question was sent in by listener Nicholas Ramsey. In this episode I share my thoughts and opinions on following up with leads. Also, I give you three main questions to answer and consider for yourself when you think about your own follow up strategy.
I loved today's question and I hope you get something positive out of the episode!
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