The Personal Trainer Hustle

On The Personal Trainer Hustle your host Sam Lopez talks about what it is really like to be a personal trainer and what it takes to succeed in this field. He shares lessons, tips, strategies and conversations with other professionals in personal training to bring you one step closer to your own success. Sam has been a personal trainer for over a decade and now owns his own personal training studio in California. His years of experience and his laid back attitude make The Personal Trainer Hustle a great resource in the business of fitness! For more information make sure to visit

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Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Are you a new personal trainer? Make sure you are aware of these possible problems you may encounter when you are just starting out. Knowing and solving these three problems will help you get and keep more clients for your business.
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Friday Apr 05, 2024

Today's question was sent in by Tim Holmes. His Question is, how do I go about building business relationships with local businesses?
In today's episode I give you five ideas on how to approach and collaborate with local businesses in order to market your personal training services.
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Thursday Apr 04, 2024

In today's episode I cover the seven basic elements of your business. Seeing your business in these seven categories will help you pin point where you should be focusing your attention. In order to know what to work on in your business you first need to know the parts that make up your business.
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Monday Apr 01, 2024

Today's Listener Q & A episode is with Opanike Shelton from Fitness In Plain Sight in Nashville, TN. We got to learn about her business and spoke about ideas we could implement in the growth of her business. If you are starting your personal training business and you are not sure where you should be conducting your training sessions or are still wondering what price point would be best for you to start with. Today's episode can help you think about it differently and help you make a decision to move forward.
Follow Opanike on IG @fitnessinplainsight
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Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Today we got to talk with Megan Snyder from Megan Snyder Fitness in San Diego, Ca. We learned about her experience starting her career at a corporate gym and then starting her own personal training business while living in New York. We also discussed using different platforms for advertising and the differing results we have gotten from them. I hope you will listen and enjoy our conversation.
Follow Megan Snyder on Instagram @megansnyderfitness
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Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Today we are doing a deep dive into all the parts of prospecting. Wether you have to prospect in the gym or at a shopping center today's episode will cover many different elements and techniques in prospecting. I share with you my personal experiences and advice for you to have a deeper understanding of the process.
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Thursday Mar 21, 2024

These are ten things I would do if a was starting my career over as a personal trainer today. If you are just getting your personal training career started I would highly suggest that you listen to this episode and take note on the ten ideas I would implement if I was in the same situation. 
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Monday Mar 18, 2024

What happens when you start showing a potential client your plans, rates and packages? Do they say they need to think about it? Do they leave without making a decision to train with you? It could be because of analysis paralysis. In today's episode we explore what this term means, how it prevents your sales and how you can fix this problem to have more potential costumers commit to a plan.
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Monday Mar 11, 2024

Today I talk about my start as a personal trainer and share my top seven life changing lessons in personal training success. When I started I was lost, confused and let down by the reality of creating a career in personal training. I had to learn how to grow my client base and sell myself as a coach. Today's episode will teach you the areas in which I made changes and how those changes changed the trajectory of my personal training career for the better.
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Friday Mar 08, 2024

Today's question: I am terrified of talking about nutrition with clients regarding what to eat and figuring out macros. What is your opinion on using meal planning software?
Nutrition is a touchy subject as a personal trainer certified to physically train individuals. Today I share six points and things to consider when addressing this conversation with your clients.
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